Dog Training Tips For Fear Biting

December 08, 2015
A dog that fear bites does so because it is the only way of expressing her extreme fear or panic. I will give you some dog training tips to help with this problem.

Dog Training Tip #1

Well-meaning people cause most fear biting cases. They see a scared dog and approach it to comfort her or show her there is nothing to be scared of. They are pushing an already panicked dog over the edge. Give the dog space! This is the best dog training tip! Fear-biting does not occur UN-provoked. It happens when people ignore the message the dog is sending them.

Dog Training Tip #2

Look for the dog's posture. If the tail is tucked, she is hunched, back lowered, ears flat against her head, elbows bent at a slight crouch, then she is scared.

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Dog Training Tip #3

Look for the dog’s behavior. If she is excessively panting (hyperventilating), yawning, avoiding eye contact, and in extreme cases, the dog may urinate or defecate out of fear.

Dog Training Tip #4

Build up her confidence with obedience training. When training her, draw attention to the achievements and good behavior with a reward (praise is best). Practice at least 10 minutes a day, but no more than 20. The dog’s attention span is not any longer than that.

Dog Training Tip #5

Desensitize her to the fear object. Slowly acclimate your dog to whatever is scaring her. She will learn through experience that the source of fear isn’t scary after all. This is where your patience, consistency, and persistence come in. Don’t force her to overcome the fear. This will only backfire on you!

Dog Training Tip # 6

Don’t crowd her. Scared dogs need space, back off and let her come to you when she is ready.

Dog Training Tip #7

Don’t coddle her. Don’t reward her behavior with special attention. This will only reinforce to her that being scared is the right thing.

Dog Training Tip #8

If she is hiding or resisting you, pay attention to this! She is trying to tell you she is not ready yet to conquer this fear. She needs more time, to go slowly. When you force her out of her comfort zone, this is when a bite will occur.

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